Duluth Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

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Duluth Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Duluth Catastrophic Injury Attorney

Accidents that change your life forever can occur in a fraction of a second. Catastrophic injury accidents are tragic, often disabling victims or resulting in a fatality. The true tragedy is that many catastrophic injury accidents are caused by negligence and are completely preventable.

At Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, LLC, we have strived for over 20 years to help our clients avoid financial hardship when they have lost a loved one or sustained a serious injury due to the negligence of others. If you need a catastrophic injury lawsuit lawyer in Georgia, you can trust Keith Leshine to handle your case.

Catastrophic injury accidents are those that cause permanent injuries or death. These types of accidents leave a lasting impact on the victim and their families, and nothing is ever the same again once one of these tragedies occurs. There is no amount of money that can offset becoming a paraplegic, sustaining brain damage or losing a loved one.

However, these tragedies also come with a financial burden of medical costs, lost income for the family, funeral costs and a loss of quality of life. A catastrophic injury or wrongful death lawsuit can obtain some level of justice and cover the expenses of the victim and their family.

OVER $190 Million Recovered For Our Clients

Big or Small, We Fight For Them All

Millions Recovered Every Year

Types of Catastrophic Injury Lawsuits

The reality is that victims and their families of catastrophic injury accidents will likely suffer physical, emotional and financial hardships. Those who lose a loved one may face income loss on top of their tragic loss of a beloved spouse, child or parent. For those who are permanently injured, they may need ongoing medical treatment, live-in care or other help, as well as face income loss and other damages.

Some of the common types of catastrophic injury lawsuits our firm handles to recover funds for our clients include:

Financial compensation cannot undo the harm to you or your family from a negligent catastrophic accident, but it can provide restitution and help you avoid financial hardship. A catastrophic injury lawsuit can also include punitive damages to help in the prevention of other similar accidents.

If you or your family has suffered the loss of a loved one or a catastrophic injury in Georgia, contact us at Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, LLC. We will carefully and compassionately review your case in a free consultation at our office in Duluth, GA.

Call Our Experienced legal team at Keith D. Leshine
Attorney at Law, LLC in Duluth, GA.

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