Meet Attorney Keith Leshine

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Keith D.Leshine


Attorney at Law, LLC
Main Office:(404) 870-6713
English:(404) 625-0600

Meet Duluth Attorney
Keith D. Leshine

Keith D. Leshine, Attorney at Law, LLC is dedicated to providing clients with exceptional service and personal attention. Our law firm treats each client the same way we would want a law office to treat us.

We are very accessible and house calls are routine. If you have any questions please ask us, communication is the key to successful representation.

Unfortunately, justice must be sought, even when it is clear that you were injured by another’s negligence. Being your own lawyer can be very costly and irreparable. Insurance companies make money by not paying claims or as little as possible. Insurance companies have many of their own lawyers and well-trained adjusters who are paid to reduce the Insurance companies costs. Doing the right thing is not what they base their decisions on. It is purely a matter of making profits. Our job is to take care of the legal matters and fight the insurance companies for you.

If you or someone you know has been injured, call Keith D. Leshine, Attorney at Law, LLC today for a free consultation with an attorney. We have recovered tens of millions of dollars for our clients one at a time since our Law Office opened in 2000.

Biographical Information

I was born in Queens County, New York City. When I was three years old, we moved to the suburbs in Monmouth County, New Jersey. I graduated from Marlboro Township High School in 1981. I really did not know what I wanted to do as a career other than I wanted to help people and not to struggle in life. I bounced around from wholesale then retail management and found it to be unsatisfying. I then realized I wanted to work for myself helping people. Alas I would become an attorney, what type I did not know. I knew first I would have to get my Bachelor’s Degree, be accepted to Law School, graduate Law School, pass the Bar exam, then I would achieve my goal. However, these things are not guaranteed, so I pragmatically picked Criminal Justice as a Major. This way I could have a good career in Law Enforcement if I did not get through Law School and pass the Bar exam. I knew you could not count on anything in life.

After graduating Rutgers University with a B.S. in Criminal Justice I applied to Law School and was accepted. After graduating 16th in my class from John Marshall Law School in Atlanta, I decided to stay in the Atlanta metro area as I did not miss the cold weather of the Northeast. During my entire Undergraduate and Graduate school attendance, I had to wait on tables part-time while I went to school full time. Though, it was hard, I think my work ethic helped me get through and helped me when I passed the Bar and founded Keith D. Leshine, Attorney at Law, LLC in 2000.

Today I am still helping others and have recovered Tens of Millions of Dollars for my injured clients, one at a time, with steadfast tenacity, using my fighting spirit from my Martial Arts background that dates to 1984. I hold the rank of First Degree Black Belt in Gojuryu Karate and was nicknamed “Crazy Keith” for beating up Brown and Black Belts when I was only a Green Belt, which is the first Belt after beginner White Belt in our Karate system. I credit my long passion and love for Martial Arts in putting me where I am today and helping me to help others and achieve my long term goals I set for myself many years ago.

Courts Admitted To Practice Law And Memberships

OVER $190 Million Recovered For Our Clients

Big or Small, We Fight For Them All

Millions Recovered Every Year

Call Our Experienced legal team at Keith D. Leshine
Attorney at Law, LLC in Duluth, GA.

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