I was born in Queens County, New York City. When I was three years old, we moved to the suburbs in Monmouth County, New Jersey. I graduated from Marlboro Township High School in 1981. I really did not know what I wanted to do as a career other than I wanted to help people and not to struggle in life. I bounced around from wholesale then retail management and found it to be unsatisfying. I then realized I wanted to work for myself helping people. Alas I would become an attorney, what type I did not know. I knew first I would have to get my Bachelor’s Degree, be accepted to Law School, graduate Law School, pass the Bar exam, then I would achieve my goal. However, these things are not guaranteed, so I pragmatically picked Criminal Justice as a Major. This way I could have a good career in Law Enforcement if I did not get through Law School and pass the Bar exam. I knew you could not count on anything in life.
After graduating Rutgers University with a B.S. in Criminal Justice I applied to Law School and was accepted. After graduating 16th in my class from John Marshall Law School in Atlanta, I decided to stay in the Atlanta metro area as I did not miss the cold weather of the Northeast. During my entire Undergraduate and Graduate school attendance, I had to wait on tables part-time while I went to school full time. Though, it was hard, I think my work ethic helped me get through and helped me when I passed the Bar and founded Keith D. Leshine, Attorney at Law, LLC in 2000.
Today I am still helping others and have recovered Tens of Millions of Dollars for my injured clients, one at a time, with steadfast tenacity, using my fighting spirit from my Martial Arts background that dates to 1984. I hold the rank of First Degree Black Belt in Gojuryu Karate and was nicknamed “Crazy Keith” for beating up Brown and Black Belts when I was only a Green Belt, which is the first Belt after beginner White Belt in our Karate system. I credit my long passion and love for Martial Arts in putting me where I am today and helping me to help others and achieve my long term goals I set for myself many years ago.