Large dogs, like pit bulls, Rottweilers and German shepherds, can be wonderful pets, but they are also protective breeds that can cause extensive injuries if they attack. Owners of these large dog breeds have a responsibility to ensure their dog is not a threat to innocent people.
If their dog attacks someone and causes injuries, they are usually liable for damages. If you live in Georgia and need a pit bull or dog attack injury lawyer, contact Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, LLC in Duluth, GA.
Dog attacks are common, and the injuries can be extensive when it is a large dog, like a pit bull. The bite of a large dog can easily tear skin, muscle and tissue, resulting in deep lacerations, broken bones and nerve damage. If the injuries occur on the neck or face, which is common, it can be disfiguring.
Unfortunately, an estimated half of dog attack injuries occur with children who are easy targets for an aggressive dog that is not properly confined or trained. When a dog attack occurs, the owner of the dog is usually responsible for injuries, whether it happens on or off their property.
At Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, our attorneys have successfully handled claims on behalf of dog bite victims, either through negotiations with the owner’s insurance company or litigation.
We are well versed in statutes enacted to protect the rights of our dog bite victims and understand that acting quickly following an animal attack is vital in protecting these rights. An immediate investigation can help establish liability for the bite and determine whether insurance coverage applies. In addition to dog bite lawsuits, our attorneys are experienced in other practice areas, including medical malpractice, car accidents, and more.
If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, it’s important to contact an attorney immediately to learn more about your legal options. Fill out our free, no obligation case review form today to learn how our attorneys may be able to help.
We are serving Duluth, GA. A dog owner is only liable for his dog’s biting of another person if the victim can prove that the dog owner knew or should have known of his dog’s propensity to bite. In other words, the victim will most likely need to show that the dog has bitten another person previously, but not always. This theory of liability is known as the “one-bite” rule.
At Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, we have handled enough dog bite cases to understand the medical issues surrounding different kinds of bites and injuries, what treatment is required, and what the long-term effects and needs of the victim are likely to be whether functional or cosmetic surgery.
We use this knowledge and information to build a strong case proving the need for significant compensation to deal with the medical costs and consequences of a dog bite. Our team is here for you while you go through this difficult time to make sure you get the care and support you need. At the same time, our Duluth, GA Dog bite lawyers will be aggressively pursuing the responsible defendants and making sure they compensate you for the harm done.
An animal attack is no doubt a traumatizing experience for anybody, regardless of their age, gender, or prior experience with dogs. When a dog bites and latches onto an arm or leg, or starts to scratch or maul, you might legitimately fear for your life. The memory of that experience can alter the way people think and behave, and it can be a PTSD trauma that lasts for months or years or never fully goes away.
It is common for victims to develop a life-long fear of dogs or open spaces where animals are present that limits their ability to function in public or enjoy life. Psychological injuries like these are very real and debilitating.
In Georgia, the laws and statutes that cover dog attacks and owner liability are similar to many other states. The law actually refers to all animals a person owns, not just pit bulls or large dogs. The owner of the dog or animal is liable for injuries if certain criteria are met during the attack, which include:
A dog attack could occur on the owner’s property or if the dog or animal is not confined and attacks someone off the property, the owner may be liable. If you have sustained a pit bull, animal or dog attack injury or lost a child to a dog attack fatality in Georgia, contact us at Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, LLC in Duluth, GA, to schedule an appointment. Our legal team would be happy to review your injury claim and discuss your legal options to pursue compensation.
Large dogs. like pit bulls, Rottweilers and German shepherds, can be wonderful pets, but they are also protective breeds that can cause extensive injuries if they attack. Owners of these large dog breeds have a responsibility to ensure their dog is not a threat to innocent people.
If their dog attacks someone and causes injuries, they are usually liable for damages. If you live near Duluth and need a pit bull or dog attack injury lawyer, contact Keith D. Leshine Attorney at law, LLC near Duluth, GA.
Dog attacks are common, and the injuries can be extensive when it is a large dog. like a pit bull. The bite of a large dog can easily pierce skin, muscle and tissue, resulting in deep lacerations, broken bones and nerve damage.
If the injuries occur on the neck or face, which is common, it can be disfiguring. Unfortunately, an estimated half of dog attack injuries occur with children who are easy targets for an aggressive dog that is not properly confined or trained. When a dog attack occurs the owner of the dog is usually responsible for injuries whether it happens on or off their property.
A dog attack could occur on the owner’s property or if the dog or animal is not confined and attacks someone off the property, the owner may be liable. If you have sustained a pit bull, animal or dog attack injury or lost a child to a dog attack fatality in Duluth, contact us at Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, LLC in Georgia to schedule an appointment. Our legal team would be happy to review your injury claim and discuss your legal options to pursue compensation.
Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law can play an important role in any Duluth dog bite case, but they are only one aspect of the case out of many facts that must be proven to hold the owner liable to the victim for the injuries caused.
At Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, we’ll take on the difficult task of winning your case while you focus on getting better and putting your life back together after a serious dog bite and the pain, misery and disruption it can cause, especially if a catastrophic death occurs. For help after a dog bite injury near Duluth, GA, call Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law at (470) 949-4573 for a free consultation. There’s no fee unless we win.