Duluth Distracted Truck Driving Accident Lawyer

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Duluth Distracted Truck Driving Accident Lawyer

Duluth Distracted Truck Driving Accident Attorney

Truck drivers often spend about 11 hours each day on the road, especially those who drive tractor trailers for long hauls from state to state. It can be tempting to pick up the phone to text a family member or make a phone call to pass the time.

However, driving a big rig while distracted can be very dangerous and cause serious truck injury accidents. Texting and other distractions accident lawsuit claim lawyer Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, LLC can help you and your family if you have been injured in a truck driver texting accident.

Cell phones, tablets and other mobile devices are common items inside the cabs of tractor trailers. Long-haul truck drivers use mobile devices to keep in touch with their families while they are on the road and as a source of entertainment during their downtime. However, these devices can be dangerous to use while driving.

It only takes a few seconds of distraction while texting or dialing a phone to cause an accident. Distracted driving injures and kills thousands of people in traffic accidents every year. These accidents are even more dangerous when a large commercial truck is involved.

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Dangers of Truck Driver Cell Phone Use

Tractor trailers, semi-trucks, logging trucks and other high-weight commercial trucks take much longer to stop than smaller vehicles. When a truck driver is using a cell phone to call home or to text a buddy, they are distracted and may not have their eyes on the road or both hands on the wheel. In a matter of seconds, a vehicle can slam on their brakes or a person can attempt to cross a road. If that truck driver is not paying attention because they are texting or using a cell phone, they can cause a serious injury accident or take someone’s life.

There is no excuse for texting or using a cell phone while driving, especially for commercial truck drivers. It is dangerous and against the law. Injury and fatality accidents caused by texting or distracted drivers are completely preventable, which makes them all the more tragic. If you have lost a loved one or were injured in a texting or distracted truck accident in Georgia, contact us at Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, LLC in Duluth, GA, to schedule a free consultation to discuss your claim.

Call Our Experienced legal team at Keith D. Leshine
Attorney at Law, LLC in Duluth, GA.

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